Personal Details

Name Christian Schneider
Date and place of birth 23.07.1974 in Speyer
Marital Status married, two daughters
Profession Diplom Informatiker


Year Description
1981 Grundschule in Reilingen
1985 C.-F. Gauss-Gymnasium in Hockenheim
1994 Graduated with Abitur
1994 Studied Computer sciences at University of Karlsruhe. Graduated with Diploma (Comparable to Master)


Professional Career

Time Description
01/1996-04/1998 Freelancer at internet provider Nacamar
-Management of Routers und Servers at seven locations, Firewalling, network monitoring and management
04/1998-06/2000 Co founder of Network Engineering GmbH
- Firewalling and internet communication for mid size companies: Installation and management of firewalls, proxys, mail servers
- Development of a web based management tool for routers and mail servers
07/2000-12/2003 VP informations systems and content management at Network Engineering GmbH
- Development of the content management systems citecast
01/2004-09/2004 Graduated in computer sciences with Diploma
01/2005-09/2009 Developer and Architect at Energie Baden-Württemvberg (EnBW) SIS
- co team lead and service manager
- Development of java API for Endur
- Build automization with maven and continuum
- Eclipse Plugin for Endur AVS development
Business focus on: data warehouse, Eurex and ICE exchange integration and reporting, Integration of Risk Management and Logistics
- Process analysis coal and other fossile fuels
- Proof of Concept SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)
- Technical lead SOA project for EnBW Trading GmbH
- Design and Development Service Framework for Endur using Java / Spring
- Technical lead of project to integrate the exchanges and brokers: Eurex, ICE, RORC
10/2009-12/2010 Software architect SOA at EnBW SIS for trading department
- Responsible for managing general software architecture EnBW Trading
- Consulting, coaching, traings for SOA and software architecture
- Coordination of libraries and code shared between teams
- Coordination of selection and delivery of developer tools
since 08/2009 Volunteer work at Apache Software Foundation
- Apache member and committer at several Apache projects focusing on webservices, integration and SOA (CXF, Camel, Karaf, Aries, Syncope)
01/2011-09/2017 Open source software architect and developer in the Talend Apache team
Development of several open source projects like Apache CXF, Camel, Karaf, Aries in coordination with ESB product teams and professional services.
Trainings and architecture consulting at customers with focus on OSGi, SOA and integration.
since 10/2017 Computer Scientist at Adobe Research Switzerland
- Adobe experience manager platform Team.
- Experience Cloud design, Cloud level Content Distribution

Reference projects




Network Engineering